APRIL 1, 2006/1
Today the former Danish rockband number one D.A.D announced that they will take their music in a new direction. From now on, it is hardcore techno all the way. "We are going to try something radically new", says Jesper Binzer, showing of his brand new, short, bleached hair-cut. "We have always been about change, and this years Danish Music Awards just confirmed our belief that rock is not the way to continue for us."

APRIL 1, 2007/1
Legal Trouble The Danish Association of Feminists has filed for a preliminary injunction against D.A.D, claiming that the famous logo Molly infringes on its members copyright. A large number of the authors of the 70's book "Woman Know Your Body" recently noticed a striking similarity between the artistic renditions of the uterus used in the many editions of the book, to the graphic logo modified and used by D.A.D to depict the cow-head.

APRIL 1, 2007/2
Settlement Reached We are sad to announce, that due to the settlement out of court that D.A.D has had to accept this afternoon regarding the design of Molly, all items carrying the new design have to be redesigned. "It didn't help our case", explained a hopeless Stig outside the lawyers offices, "that we have made a bunch of songs that our opponents did not approve of - Girl Nation, Riding With Sue, Siamese Twin, Indian Girl, ..." "But," Laust cuts in, "they seemed to like A Kiss Between The Legs, alright."

APRIL 1, 2008/1
Preparations for this summer's concerts started already earlier this year when D.A.D went to Brazil. One morning Stig went up early and watched the sunrise behind the giant statue of Jesus, and he had a vision. The vision was two-fold: a giant new two-string bass, modelled after the statue, with the big Jesus' arm extending around the neck of the