My D.A.D moment is taking place in Phoenix, Arizona back in 1990. I was an exchange student
in the US. When I left Denmark in 1989 D.A.D had just released there “no fuel left” album. I saw
their show at Grand Palace in Odense.
Living in Phoenix for a year gave me many oppertunities to see great concerts ( Cure, Aerosmith
etc). One day I read in the local paper that a Danish band called D.A.D played in Phoenix. I was
very excited and bought the tickets right away. I had been following Warners promotion of the
band in the local recordstore, huge billboards, posters and promo cd´s from the local radiostation.
On the night of the concert, my hostbrother and I drove out to the concert place. Huge
disapointment, the concert had been cancelled. We got back to the house. I read in the paper
that the concert had been moved to another part of town far away. It was too late to drive out
there. The next day I rode my bicykle out where the concert had been going on. Outside was a
huge sign saying DAD playing tonight. I went in and talked to the people working in the bar. They
told me all aboute the show, and said that it was awsom. They gave me a poster. Their story
about the show and having americans telling me about my favorit band was special.
Allthough I didnt get to see the boys playing in my “hometown” I still think this is a fun and
moment in my many years as a huge DAD fan.
I have a picture of me infront of the bar with the huge sign in the background a great memory.