I was attending 5 grade in school and my older brother was a big fan of Disneyland After Dark.
As you do in that age, I looked up to him so I began listening to the great rock band as well –
and got a bolo tie to match Stig. For a year I listened to my classmates telling me “what is that
you are listening to, you are strange, that is no good etc.” But I could not help my self,
Disneyland After Dark was the band for me, but still it was very hard to listen to all the bullying
from my classmates for more than a year.
But then the magic happened! The guys in the class got totally crazy about the song “I wonʼt cut
my hair”, they all started asking me if they could borrow my records, suddenly my tie was cool and
I was a cool girl – my life as a 12 years old girl changed!
Now 20 years later, I have not missed at least one concert on the tours and I just got my new
ipod today with the engraving on the back “D-A-D true believer”!