It was Friday the 7th of February; winter 1992.
My best friend Christian and I went to High School in Hillerod, 40 km north of Copenhagen.
Disneyland After Dark – as we still called them – played in Fyns Forum in Odense. Together with a
third friend, who we chose because – unlike us – he had a driverʼs license and a car, we had
decided to split the cost for the 200 km. drive and the ferry ticket to experience D-A-D on their
Riskinʼ It All tour. Along with the 120 kr for the ticket, it was almost 500 kr in all – a monthʼs salary
for a high school kid at the time – so the trip was a pretty big event for us.
Across the hatch of the red Citroën 2CV we had written TRUE BELIEVERS, and the new album
was copied to a cassette tape so we could learn the lyrics on the way. We met Friday after
school, bought beers and began our loud crusade heading south down that dusty road. We had
to drive very fast to make the ferry departure at 6 pm. Then – after 1½ hours ride – the engine
suddenly stopped in the middle of a very deserted highway. Sadly it was not an absurd joke
when our driver told us the reason: “there is no fuel left…”
We waited on the highway for two hours and then another two hours for the next ferry – with no
chance of making the concert at 20:00. When finally at 22 we entered the concert hall, all lights
were off. A second later, the spotlight unveiled a giant sofa with D-A-D exploding to the tune of
Bad Craziness. We were exhausted but exalted. The concert was unsurpassed. The Binzers
were exploding and Stig surprised the audience by playing on his two-string 30 feet up from the
right tower of loudspeakers. After the show we met the band at a local bar and got their thumbs
up when we told them about our trip. I still have the ticket from my best concert ever.