There was a real thin line
Between right or wrong
In those Walt Disney times
When my parents were young..
But the line has disappeared...
And you wonder where it hides....
And you wanna go out; but you stay inside.....
I got run over by truth one day
Didn't see the red light
Since the accident I've walked this way
- I only did what felt right...
But from this day on; it's either: grow or pay!
Grow or pay
'Coz I got run over by truth one day
Sometimes the sky's so grey
That you cannot see beyond it
And even the wildest of dreams
- Can't take those lines from your forehead
Yeah! I know there's a bill
- And it's gonna make it's way somehow
With an excuse and a bow; I'll be paying it now:
I got run over by truth one day
Didn't see the red light
Since the accident I've walked this way
- I only did what felt right...
But from this day on; it's either: grow or pay!
Grow or pay
'Coz I got run over by truth one day
Grow or pay
From this day on it's either: grow or pay
Grow or pay
Grow or pay
I got run over by the truth one day
And since the accident I've walked this way
Didn't see the red light
But from this day on; it's either grow or pay!
Grow or pay
'Coz I got run over by the truth one day..
I got hair in my ears
I got hair in my nose
I got hair on my back
And between my toes
When the time comes & my hairwash is due
I'm gonna use one ton of shampoo
But don't give me those sentimental eyes
Coz I'm proud & my hair is nice
It's not fair when people they stare
I love the colors I wear
I wont cut my hair
I wont cut my hair
Oh no, I wont cut my hair
Coz I'm proud of my hair
And like in the funny fairytale
I dry my hair the Rapunzel way
U just climb up the six floors
To my hairy home
& I fix u a smoke in the blend of my own
Yeah, I'll make u a hot pot of tea
Take off your clothes feel free
And get down in my hair
And make me insane
Lets get airborne on window pain
It's not fair...
I would die without my hair
Yeah right, I'm playin' in the band
And I would love to be your private Disneyland
I'll be your own amusement park
Then you can ride me
And ride me after dark
If they send me to the rows of death
For having illegal dope
I will order as my last meal
Before's the chair
Hamburger french fries n coke
Take those scissors away
I wont cut my hair
'Cause I'm proud and my hair is nice
I love my hair
I'm in love with my hair
I'm in love with my haaaaiiiir